MPOWER Reading is the men’s ministry at All Nations Christian Centre and is part of our national men’s ministry, MPOWER.
We have three objectives to express the values of Mission, Discipleship, Worship and Legacy:
We want generations to be there for each other. Grandfathers, fathers and sons (“GFS”) – even if there is not a biological connection. Young men need advice and wisdom, old men need help, and middle-aged men need both!
“GFS” comes in many forms but the more each guy puts in, the more blessings will flow out to the guy himself, his brothers in Christ and the wider community. It is expressed as “GFS” but it is not purely an aged-based concept; young, spiritually mature men can provide wisdom and advice to older but newer Christians. The point is to be there for each other and build each other up.
Taking Responsibility

All men in the church need to recognise their responsibility to support, encourage, honour and care for women as Christ loves the church. We are really grateful we can support “Be Free” financially.
For more information on “Be Free” please visit the Be Free website.
We are looking to support other community projects throughout the year.
Outward Looking
All men in the church must know guys outside the church they would love to see in the church family. A life with Christ is the best life any man can have. We need to provide those opportunities to invite our friends through worship, prayer, food and activities.
If we all start to get these three things right then we will start to get our responsibilities to God, each other and the wider community right as well.
Click here to see what events are coming up. And more information contact Michael Williams.

National Men’s Ministry
MPOWER, the national men’s ministry of Elim, is engaging men of all ages, by exploring the potential to mentor a generation of radical disciples.
You can join MPower’s Business WhatsApp and receive brief links to fresh original devotions, videos and podcasts created & sent weekly with Christian men in mind. Just follow these simple steps:
- Click this link to start a new conversation session with MPower:
- Use the conversation to send in a message, saying ‘Please add me in’
- Add MPower as a contact into your phone so that you can receive broadcast messages
- MPower will respond and add you in!
Alternatively, simply scan the QR code below: