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Does God want to heal me? Keith Jackson explores the healing of Bartimaeus, revealing how faith, persistence and readiness can lead to breakthrough. Are you ready to be healed? Jesus is willing, ready, and able!
Mark Oliver shares the journey of Torch, an organisation that provides a helping hand from local churches to the community of Reading. Speaking from Matthew 7, Mark explores what it means to do the will of the Father.
Ellie Watson speaks on the importance of spending time in God’s presence and looks at how Jesus prioritized prayer, removed distractions, and found solitude with the Father.
The book of Revelation is one of the most misunderstood books in the Bible – filled with symbols, prophecy, and powerful visions of Jesus’ return. Keith Jackson starts our new series looking at Revelation and asks what’s it all about?
Alistair Kumi speaks on the lessons learned from the church in Laodicea, the call to spiritual renewal and the importance of staying connected to our source, Jesus.
Aaron Dolding encourages us to have a deeper desire to be living in His presence and, as Moses did, boldly ask for more of His glory and goodness in our lives.
Keith Jackson concludes our series on consecration as we apply what we have been praying into for the last 21 days. You can view the accompanying notes to this message on Keith’s blog.
Looking at the biblical story of Elijah, Keith Jackson encourages us to persevere in prayer and faith to persist through obstacles and seek God’s vision and provision in life.
Barbie Jackson continues our teaching series on consecration, looking at what it means to dedicate ourselves wholly to God.
Speaking from Daniel 3:15-28, Ellie Watson challenges us to praise in the furnace; to choose to worship God with trust and faith even in the midst of trials, just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did, knowing that He is with us in the fire and remains in control.